In pursuit of excellence…

Headboy, Yayah by his new store.
The Women’s Project teachers with their progeny.
The Headboy / girl teams.
We have today, instated our new headboy and headgirl team. Headboy, Yayah and his two deputies. Headgirl, Ngadie and her two deputies as well as a mirror team at the Junior Secondary level.

Particularly worthy or note are the junior headgirls. All three of these girls joined the school way behind their expected standard as education for them, had not been prioritised by their families, for a variety of reasons. They entered EducAid via the Women’s Project in order to gain confidence and competence appropriate for the mainstream secondary school. Despite difficult educational beginnings, when given the opportunity by the women;s project, they have done excellently. Not only have they got themselves out of the Women’s Project and into the pre-exam classes, they are able to stand in front of the school and speak in English with confidence and clarity. They are also setting an excellent role model for other students and particularly for other girls who, like them, strive for education against a range of very difficult circumstances.
If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid’s work please see:

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