
What's New

The first EducAid wedding

The first EducAid wedding:  Ezekiel and Mamie are now Mr and Mrs Nonie. The very smiley Ezekiel is a founder pupil who joined EducAid on…

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EducAid students selected to go to Ghana

How exciting……. A number of EducAid students applied for a place on the African Gifted Foundation’s summer academy and ALL OF THEM WERE SELECTED.  …

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International Women’s Club in Maronka

The International Women’s Club went on a visit to EducAid Maronka last week.  We greatly appreciated their visit and especially their feedback.  One of the…

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Cobra, the problem solver

Cobra, and colleagues as the relationship between EducAid and some of its partner schools starts Cobra and colleague, Marion, at the same event Mohamed Cobra…

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Successful outreach

Young Alusine Barrie leading teacher trainingon positive behaviour management Science teachers gathered for active learning training Deputy Director of Education for Port Loko Districtaddresses assembled…

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Member of the Order of the Rokel

Haja Gbla’s name was pulled out of the hat and she came as staff representative to State House Fellow MOR recipient Jussein Jaward congratulates Miriam…

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Abdul Noah Mansaray – First in Accounting and Finance

This morning, I received the following note from one of our young stars, Abdul Noah Mansaray.  Many young people in Sierra Leone finish their secondary…

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EducAidian University of Sierra Leone graduates – April 2013

A big day for 7 EducAidians as they graduated from the University of Sierra Leone on Saturday, 6th April.  After years of effort and overcoming…

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Miriam Mason-Sesay MBE

On the evening of Wednesday 20 February, the Acting British High Commissioner, Ms Lesley Beaton, hosted a reception at the High Commissioner’s Residence to formally…

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Exchange of ideas and hats

Sr Adamsay and her staff visiting EducAid Rolal A few months ago I was contacted by a very enthusiastic lady with whom I eventually managed…

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