
What's New

Great to have an update from Issa Fowai in China

A year gone by one and half left to finish my course. The civil engineering course itself is difficult, but the language (Chinese) makes it…

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Successful reform in Rogbere

Three months or so ago, EducAid was obliged to face up to a very difficult situation where a number of the exam candidates had cheated…

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QEP Maronka – all set to go now!

QEP = Quality Enhancement Programme. For the last year we have been running an outreach programme to twelve junior secondary schools with whom we seek…

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Saidu Sesay (SS Dem) RIP

One of the big characters of EducAid was lost to us on Sunday, 13th January.  Saidu Sesay, longest serving teacher was an enthusiastic and humorous…

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A great example of education destroying poverty

My Profile My name is Alpha Alhaji Bangura. I was born in 11th October 1994 in Makabie village Koya Chiefdom Portloko District I came from…

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Much more than a one man / woman achievement

EducAid is now a really big family.  Between the Trustees, Advisory Board, donors and supporters in the UK and all the staff and students in…

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Miriam Mason-Sesay awarded MBE

PRESS RELEASE December 29, 2012, Freetown  Miriam Mason-Sesay, Country Director EducAid Sierra Leone, awarded an MBE in Her Majesty’s  2013  New  Year’s  Honours List for…

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A taste of things to come – unbelievable fee hikes

An on-going problem for EducAid is how to help our youngsters achieve their potential when they finish school.  EducAid runs schools not universities but clearly,…

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Jimiyke once again

Jimiyke enjoying his food during his UK visit Many of EducAid’s long term supporters will remember Abu Bakarr Koroma (alias Jimiyke).  Jimiyke was kidnapped and…

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EducAid Bicycle Project 2012

This Saturday saw 20 students and teachers attending the village bicycle project workshop here in Rolal at the teacher training centre.  Its been really great…

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