
What's New

Getting closer to being able to imagine it in action!

The roof is going on to the Rolal Teacher Training Centre and, wow, what a difference it makes! It is now easy to imagine it…

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New project….new blog

Girls’ Safe House in Maronka – under construction. To chronicle the ups and downs of all the preparations and day to day functioning of the…

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Dress a girl around the sewing for Maronka

Imagine a world where every girl had at least one dress! Wow – what beautiful pillow cases! This is how their website opens. is…

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Another set of important funding approved – Yes!

Thinking it through! Bhumi of SLEEP, an organisation based in the United States of America has been battling away at a bid for funding to…

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What? Where? Why? When? Maronka Primary teacher training / resource centre

Lots to do! This morning I received an exciting email….. funding for a new project! What? A teacher development facility providing short capacity building courses…

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New girls’ quarters in Magbeni

Alice, head girl, has moved in. A couple of months ago, I gave the go ahead to AA’s building project for a new girls and…

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Maronka Girls Safe House – on its way!

The context Sierra Leone ranks 100 out 102 on the Social Institutions Gender Index [SIGI] because of statistics like: ·        47 per cent of girls…

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Funky ads for EducAid

A fruitful partnership…….. North Oxfordshire Academy have been supporting EducAid in numerous ways over the last few years and we are now rearing our heads…

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Alex Channon spreads his enthusiasm for Sierra Leone

After his visit to Sierra Leone and the EducAid schools, Alex Channon has sought to raise interest in and awareness of both the country and…

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The assessment of some recent visitors to EducAid Lumley

It was quite some time before coming to Sierra Leone, that a friend sent us an article from a British newspaper featuring a school in…

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