
What's New

Volunteering in EducAid

From time to time, people hear of EducAid’s work and volunteer to come over and help out for a period. We have had a few…

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EducAid and some friends from Heathrow

The visitors brought over piles of boxes of collected goodies for EducAid. You can get more on there than that.  This is Sierra Leone! Brima,…

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EducAid at the top again

A spot of after class down time. The Junior staff spend their school holidays in teacher training classes but relax a little with a football…

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The Sierra Leone experience would be a different one, if all our partners in development were like this.

EducAid has been running its own schools for just over ten years in Sierra Leone.  The challenges, hurdles and blockages have been enormous.  So many…

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Basic stuff in a UK context maybe but rare in Sierra Leone

For some reason, during the war, anything with equipment of any sort (and the more incomprehensible the more it was the case) became a target…

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Yet another needless TB death.

Sheku Turay, 20, disappeared from the Freetown school a few months ago and after many enquiries we eventually found that he was staying with a…

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Max and Charlie getting into their new life.

Offloading stuff at Magbeni, a couple of stops before their final destination. Nervous grins as Max and Charlie move into their new accommodation. Chez Max…

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Visibly on the mend….

For those of you that have followed the ups and downs of Jimiyke’s progress over the last 18 months, these pictures will gladden your hearts.…

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The New Year birthday boys

Yahyah Kamara and Musa Bundu, both 19 on 1st January 2011. Yahyah is head boy and Musa is his deputy.  Delightful and highly intelligent boys,…

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Paradise and back!

Early morning in paradise.  The unromantically named Number 2 River Beach is one of the most gorgeous places imaginable.  Two days with nothing to do…

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