
What's New

I think Father Christmas has been…….

Christmas Eve celebration in the library before bedtime for little people. Full fat socks everywhere. And more and more of them….. Somebody’s been busy tonight.…

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Jennifer too…..and in style!

Jennifer Thomas, left EducAid in 2006 and graduated Dec 2010 from Fourah Bay College, Freetown. While Moses has stayed at the heart of EducAid throughout…

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Another one takes to the road but differently!

Richard Johnson, frequent visitor to Sierra Leone for work purposes, has been supporting EducAid in many ways over the last few years. This time he…

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Musa hits the road but Moses is at the end of his journey!

The ceremonies begin. Carried away by his excited EducAid colleagues. Mammy Yabundu (Alhassan’s mother) with one of her many adopted children. One proud Moses! A…

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And another one takes to the road!

Musa Koroma, former EducAid student won a scholarship to go to study engineering in Russia some months ago.  It has been an almighty challenge to…

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Amae Creation supports EducAid Sierra Leone

Great thanks and appreciation go to my French cousin by marriage, Caroline Rittener.  Caroline is the creative spirit and brain behind Amae Creation [website:].  …

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A flavour of life at EducAid Lumley.

French / British lawyer, Marie-Aimée, has just got back to the UK after a stint in Sierra Leone working on Justice Sector Reform.  (There is,…

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20 things you wouldn’t do!

……unless it was for a good cause! Alex Ehegartner [head of citizenship at Stockport Grammar School] and for mysterious reasons, otherwise known as Mister E,…

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Grand Opening

This week, on a hot, humid and sunny morning in Port Loko the Furlonge EducAid Senior Secondary School was opened. Peter Furlonge who, with his…

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A battle for the mind

There are large numbers of Sierra Leonean youngsters who were taken off into the war and forced to do unspeakable things and who are still…

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