
What's New

Another day in Salone

Gibrilla Conteh, RIP [14.02.10]Just back from Gibrilla’s funeral. It turns out his crime was that of defending his uncle’s petrol from a thief. For this…

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Not up for long!

I remember once during my own secondary school days the total shock when we discovered that a girl in the year ahead had been killed…

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The ups and the downs

Last week seemed to be overshadowed by the disaster in Magbeni but this week things are looking considerably more positive….. I have just got back…

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And back with a bump!!!

After my first ever week offline and away from EducAid, on holiday with some concerned school mates, we are now back! And we know we…

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In pursuit of excellence…

Headboy, Yayah by his new store. The Women’s Project teachers with their progeny. The Headboy / girl teams.We have today, instated our new headboy and…

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Maronka City… well, maybe one day!

The current school building made of mud blocks with a tin roof. When we first started visiting Maronka, there were three houses and that was…

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More good news

Had a really good meeting today with the Director of the organisation funding the Maronka building. It turns out that actually, it was the local…

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So much happening there is no time to write about it…

Since Kofi and I got back, I have not had the heart to send him back to the local school he had been attending. He…

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Hopes for 2010

This year, EducAid will celebrate 10 years of having its own school (now schools). EducAid Lumley opened on 18th September 2000. There have been many…

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Atlantic Rising

An interesting project: a British team are travelling round the rim of the Atlantic Basin and linking schools along their journey with each other. The…

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