
What's New

Injustice – one serious face of the poverty in Sierra Leone

The most clear places to see the poverty in Sierra Leone are in the provision of health care and in the total lack of real…

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Jimiyke – the public speaker

Jimiyke is still waiting for further feedback on the last few tests to ensure that his health is secure but in the meantime he is…

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EducAid’s first graduate – a Big Day!

Mohamed Sannoh – A very proud day for him and for us all. Ok….and a few others too!Mohamed Sannoh, the longest standing EducAid pupil, has…

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Getting festive in aid of EducAid

Quite a few Santas then! Triumphant! Alison and Megan post ‘dash’.Alison Walsh of Lambeth Academy and one of her students, Megan, participated in a 6…

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Introduction of a Skills Based Teacher -training Curriculum in Sierra Leone

Sean [British teacher] and I have been working like mad things on writing up the distance learning modules for a brand new teacher training programme.…

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A darker day today

4 months ago today, we lost our beloved Alhassan, needlessly to medical negligence and being in a poor country that is riddled with corruption. For…

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Challenging a culture of underachievement

This year, EducAid senior secondary students came 5th in the country in their public exams. On the face of it, fantastic. In reality, however, I…

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How incredible

Amazing good news. The diagnosis we had hoped against hope for – full recovery from Hepatitis C has actually now been confirmed. 15% of cases…

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He is speaking for himself now

For those of you who have been following Jimiyke’s story since the early days, you may be interested to hear that he is telling his…

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Women and education in Sierra Leone

My recurring problem: how to get strong women to teach the girls and provide a positive role model. The women who should be teachers by…

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