Please do. I just did and it takes only moments. As most of you are aware, things are difficult all across the non-profit sector at the moment. This is not different for EducAid and recently we have had to cut into some of our core activities in order to keep our heads above water. e.g. We are looking at shortening the school day as of January as we are no longer able to feed the day students. ….. so every bit helps!
If you ever do any online shopping, or even if you think you don’t (because you might in the process find it is cheap and easy to do so) please do sign up. We will be most appreciative and you will definitely be making a difference to our work in Sierra Leone.
If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid’s work with vulnerable young Sierra Leoneans, please go to www.educaid.org.uk and www.sierraleonegirls.blogspot.com