Jimiyke is still waiting for further feedback on the last few tests to ensure that his health is secure but in the meantime he is putting his time to good use. Various friends have offered opportunities to sit alongside them and improve his ICT skills and, in addition, he is fast becoming a bit of a mini-celebrity. He spoke, during his first week in the UK, at North Oxfordshire Academy and the students came out of his assemblies enthused and moved. Since then, he has been speaking on skype quite regularly to Alex Ehegartner’s [Stockport Citizenship teacher] students. This week he has been to Alex’s school in person and has spoken to an assembled group of representatives of around a dozen schools in the Stockport area. He spoke about his experiences during the war and also about what EducAid has done for him. I understand that once again the listeners were greatly moved by what he had to say.
As a result of this meeting, he was invited to St Simon’s [long standing EducAid supporters] to see the Nativity play and to speak to parents and children. His visit and what he had to say were received, as ever, with great enthusiasm.
Jimiyke speaking to Year 4.
For those new to Jimiyke’s story see earlier posts from May to date and https://www.educaid.org.uk/EducAid_Sierra_Leone/Abu_Bakarr_Koroma.html
Jimiyke is one of my personal heroes – a young man of great courage and integrity.
His own experiences in the UK are recorded on his blog http://jimiykevisittotheuk.blogspot.com/
If you want to know more about EducAid’s work please see www.educaid.org.uk