Fundraising on your own

What can you do to fundraise on your own?

1.     Organise an event

    • A sponsored event, such as:

          i.     5 side football league

          ii.     24 hour football

          iii.     24 hour disco

          iv.     walk

          v.     bike ride

          vi.     silence

          vii.     fast


Usually people are willing to sponsor for more if there is a special challenge in it – either because it is a particular challenge for you or because what you are suggesting is in itself challenging.


    • Rich man Poor man lunch / dinner.  Everyone buys a ticket for an excellent 3 course mean. 2 or 3 tickets are drawn out of a hat and those people have the full meal.  The rest have a simple meal of soup and a roll.  The difference in what is spent versus what has been paid goes to the charity.  It also symbolises the serendipity of where we are born (in riches or poverty) and the proportion of the world that are in poverty versus those in wealth.
    • A dinner / party / dance / etc. How do you make the money?  There are various possibilities:
      • Charge for tickets
      • Do an auction of donated gifts e.g.
      1. gifts donated from local enterprises: Haircut? Bottles? Tickets?
      2. Weekend in holiday cottages from your friends and contacts
      3. Offers from supporters e.g. clean whole house; clean oven; walk dog for a week; 10 French lessons etc.
    • Coffee morning / Wine & Cheese evening.  How do you make the money?  There are various possibilities:
      • Charge to come
      • Sell cakes & treats donated by friends
      • Raffle
      • Sell EducAid books: Our World, Our Lives, Our Imagination

If you want to engage your group with the charity, but would like EducAid to tell the story, you can choose to show our film which is viewable from the bottom of this page.

2.     Speak to your local church / school / scout group / rotary club / pub quiz group / etc. etc. There is a PowerPoint presentation that you can download here that you can adapt and personalise.  When speaking it is usually worth personalising your talk and explaining your own involvement or reason for being touched by EducAid and wanting to encourage others to get involved.  When you speak, make sure you encourage people and give them opportunities to respond in specific ways e.g. make a donation; buy a book; sign up for a regular contribution e.g. £15 per month because £15 is only the price of a pizza and a coke / glass of wine in the UK but pays for 1 month of a child’s food and education in EducAid.

3.     In Schools – many schools are interested in teaching their children to be givers and make fundraising part of their citizenship or RE curriculum.  There are many ways of encouraging schools to raise money:

  • Organise an event (see above)
  • Cake sales
  • Non-uniform days / Theme clothing days e.g. Green white and blue clothes as per the Sierra Leonean flag.  All participants have to pay £1 or £2 for the privilege of not wearing uniform for the day.
  • Selling tickets for concerts, plays or performances
  • Each tutor group / class raises enough for 1 student for the year e.g. for a class of 30, each child would need to raise £6 in order for the whole class to raise £180.  Even without doing special events, which can take a lot of teacher time, it is possible to get children to make their own small sacrifices e.g. contribute the money they would have spent on buying a packet of crisps; do some extra jobs at home for a contribution to the fund.  Over 1 year, few children cannot raise £6.  With the motivation of every child in the class contributing and the whole school having a display board with a child to be coloured in as the money is raised, keeping the competition going, it becomes a great whole school challenge.


When raising money for EducAid, we recommend MyDonate because most other sites deduct money from the funds you have raised,    but BT’s doesn’t.  Click in the logo below to go to our account where you can set up your page.